Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - Reserve Coffee

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Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - Reserve Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee: The World's Finest Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is an exquisite coffee that is grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The coffee beans are hand-picked and roasted to perfection, resulting in a smooth, flavorful cup of coffee that is unlike any other. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is known for its smooth, mellow flavor with hints of chocolate and spice. It is also low in acidity, making it a perfect choice for those who are sensitive to acidity.

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    The climate in the Jamaica Blue Mountains is cooler than the rest of Jamaica. The Blue Mountains are located on the Eastern end of Jamaica, exposing them to the moisture-laden North-East Trade Winds. These hit the coast and rise up into the mountains, generating significant cloud cover and mist as they hit the cooler air of the higher elevations.  The unique Blue Mountain growing region features an ideal coffee-growing terrain and temperate climate—misty and cool with lots of rain, rich soil, and great soil drainage. This area contains some of the Caribbean’s highest coffee growing regions.

    Our Certified, 100% Pure Jamaica Blue Mountain No. 1 is made using the largest, premium-quality beans which produce mild, yet lush and sweet, floral notes in the cup. This is a beautiful coffee, expensive and well worth the effort for us to procure it and roast it perfectly for you. It arrives in a barrel and we are very careful when we roast the green coffee beans into black roasted coffee beans, to ensure your coffee cup is filled with exquisite beauty, one sip of this coffee and you will be transported to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.