March 09, 2018 6 min read

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee: The World's Finest Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is considered to be the world's finest coffee. It is grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The coffee beans are grown at high altitudes, which gives them a unique flavor profile. They are also hand-picked and processed carefully, which ensures that they are of the highest quality.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has a smooth, rich flavor with hints of chocolate and caramel. It is low in acidity and has a full body. It is often described as being "silky smooth" and "velvety."

The coffee beans are grown in a small area of Jamaica, which makes them very rare. This, along with the careful growing and processing methods, makes Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee very expensive. However, many people believe that it is worth the price for the unique and delicious flavor.

If you are looking for a truly special cup of coffee, then Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the perfect choice. It is a coffee that you will never forget.

Here are some of the things that make Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee so special:

  • Grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica: The Blue Mountains are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are known for their ideal growing conditions for coffee. The high altitude, cool temperatures, and rich volcanic soil all contribute to the unique flavor of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.
  • Hand-picked and processed carefully: The coffee beans are hand-picked and processed carefully to ensure that they are of the highest quality. This includes removing any defective beans and sorting them by size and quality.
  • Low in acidity and full-bodied: Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is low in acidity and has a full body. This makes it a smooth and enjoyable cup of coffee for people who are sensitive to acidity.
  • Unique flavor profile: Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has a unique flavor profile that is often described as being "smooth," "rich," and "velvety." It also has hints of chocolate and caramel.
  • Expensive: Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is expensive because it is grown in a small area of Jamaica and is processed using careful methods. However, many people believe that it is worth the price for the unique and delicious flavor.

Where to Buy Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee:

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is available online and at specialty coffee shops. When choosing Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, look for beans that are roasted medium or dark. This will help to bring out the coffee's unique flavor profile.

How to Brew Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee:

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is best brewed using a pour-over method. This method will help to extract the coffee's full flavor and aroma.

Here is a recipe for brewing Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee using a pour-over method:

  1. Grind 15 grams of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee beans to a medium-coarse grind.
  2. Place a filter in a pour-over dripper.
  3. Rinse the filter with hot water.
  4. Add the ground coffee to the filter.
  5. Pour hot water over the coffee grounds in a slow, steady stream.
  6. Let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

Pairing Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee with Food:

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a great coffee to pair with desserts or chocolatey foods. It can also be enjoyed on its own.

What is the Elevation of the Jamaica Blue Mountains?

Rising 7,402 feet above the sea, Blue Mountain Peak is the highest spot in Jamaica, and the fifth highest mountain in the Caribbean. It is in these mountains, within an area legally proscribed by the Jamaican government, that the world’s best, and best known, single origin coffee grows Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. The mists and lush vegetation give the peak and the surrounding Blue Mountains, a greenish blue hue. These mountains rise-up above Kingston and dominate the eastern part of Jamaica.

How is the Soil Different in the Jamaica Blue Mountains?

Jamaica has some of the richest and most productive soil in the Caribbean, but not in the Blue Mountains. The soil there is derived from both metamorphic and igneous rocks and is quite porous and prone to leaching. It is low in many nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen. The reduced sunlight due to the cloud cover slows down the development of the coffee cherry. The long maturation has a very positive effect on the aroma and taste of the coffee produced from these trees. The coffee trees grow slowly and the production is lower than in other coffee producing areas of Jamaica and the world. All these factors combine to create a very rich, smooth, cup of coffee that is exceptionally well-balanced and is generally low in acidity. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is silky smooth and well-balanced, with an excellent full body, a classic and refined mild coffee that is very rich. The taste is complex, and often with hints of chocolate.

In the world of coffee, few coffee drinkers have ever tasted an Estate Coffee or Single Origin Coffee. The vast majority of coffee consumed is blended from commodity grade coffee. The lucky few have tried 100 percent Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee or 100 percent Hawaiian Kona Coffee and know that the coffee’s origin certainly makes a significant difference. So, what makes Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee so great? There are many factors to consider, but it is important to be sure you are getting an authentic, unblended, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is exported by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica. They ensure what is called Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee actually comes from the legally designated growing area. The Board's professionals also inspect each barrel for quality, checking the bean size and color. Experienced professional tasters roast small samples and “cup” the coffee to ensure it was properly processed and has the aroma and taste that define Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.

But it is the unique location and microclimate that makes the coffee so great. The area where Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is grown is high in the mountains. The mountains are 85% forest, which provides shade in which to grow the coffee. The altitude, forest cover and climate provide the conditions for growing the best coffee in the world. The higher altitudes produce a denser bean, which translates into a richer cup of coffee.

All Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffeeis grown from the Arabica species of coffee. Almost all is from the Arabica Typica subspecies of coffee. Many of these trees are descendants from the original trees Governor Lawes imported from Martinique, where coffee was first introduced into the Caribbean. There are some new varietals that planters are starting to experiment with, but Arabica Typica is far and away the most planted coffee tree.

Elevation is critical. If it is to be certified Jamaica Mountain Blue Reserve coffee, it must be cultivated at an elevation between 1,800 and 5,500 feet. It is well established that altitude makes a significant difference in the quality of coffee. Although the Blue Mountains rise to 7,402 feet, no coffee is above 5,500 feet because that area is maintained as a Forest Reserve.

What is the Climate in the Jamaica Blue Mountains?

The climate in the Jamaica Blue Mountains is cooler than the rest of Jamaica. The Jamaica Blue Mountains are located on the Eastern end of Jamaica, exposing them to the moisture laden North East Trade Winds. These hit the coast and rise up into the mountains, generating significant cloud cover and mist as they hit the cooler air of the higher elevations. The unique Blue Mountain growing region features an ideal coffee-growing terrain and temperate climate – misty and cool with lots of rain, rich soil, and great soil drainage. This area contains some of the Caribbean’s highest growing regions.

The of Jamaica Mountain Blue Coffee is said to sparkle in its boldness and offers up delightful floral tones along with sweet nutty and herbal notes. Jamaica The Jamaica Blue Mountain Peaberry Coffee beans are traditionally used for – a peaberry is when one whole bean forms into a peaberry, single,  rather than the usual two half-beans. These larger, denser beans make for a longer roasting period, which helps to control the development of the espresso roast profile. A or is recommended for Jamaica Blue Mountain, as it will free the beans and fragrances without losing their best qualities.

Japan has been known to corner the market on Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, making one of the world’s most enjoyable gourmet also one of the most expensive.