June 10, 2017 5 min read

How We Sample Roast Green Coffee Beans

How We Pick Green Coffee Beans for Our Reserve Coffee: A Detailed Guide to Sample Roasting Coffee

Did you ever wonder how an artisan coffee roaster selects their green coffee beans? The process is meticulous, time-consuming, and requires a specific skill set. At our company, we take great pride in our method of selecting the finest green arabica coffee beans. We buy our green coffee beans directly from trusted green coffee brokers, ensuring that the beans we purchase are exactly what we have sampled. Our relationship with these brokers spans nearly four decades, and they understand the preferences of our Master Coffee Roaster. This blog will provide an in-depth look into the intricate process of sample roasting coffee and how it helps us select the best green coffee beans for our reserve coffee.

The Importance of Sample Roasting Coffee

Sample roasting coffee is a crucial step in the coffee selection process. It allows us to evaluate the potential of green coffee beans before making a large purchase. By roasting small batches of coffee, we can assess the flavor profile, acidity, body, and overall quality of the beans. This step ensures that the coffee we serve to our customers meets our high standards.

Building Relationships with Green Coffee Brokers

Our relationship with green coffee brokers is built on trust and mutual understanding. Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships with brokers who know exactly what we are looking for in green arabica coffee beans. These brokers source beans from various regions, ensuring a diverse selection for us to choose from. By working closely with them, we can access high-quality beans that align with our flavor preferences.

The Sample Roasting Process

  1. Receiving the Green Coffee Samples

The first step in sample roasting coffee is receiving the green coffee samples from our brokers. These samples represent different lots from various regions and farms. Each sample is carefully labeled with information about its origin, processing method, and other relevant details. This information helps us track and compare the beans throughout the evaluation process.

  1. Roasting the Samples

Once we have received the samples, our Master Coffee Roaster begins the roasting process. Sample roasting requires precision and expertise to ensure consistency and accuracy. The roasting process involves:

- Weighing the Beans: Each sample is weighed to ensure consistency in the roasting process.

- Setting the Roasting Parameters: The roaster adjusts the temperature, time, and airflow to achieve the desired roast profile.

- Monitoring the Roast: The beans are carefully monitored throughout the roasting process to ensure even development and prevent over or under-roasting.

- Cooling and Degassing: After roasting, the beans are cooled and allowed to degas for a specific period to stabilize the flavors.

  1. Cupping and Evaluating the Samples

Cupping is the next step in the sample roasting process. It involves brewing and tasting the roasted coffee to evaluate its flavor profile. The cupping process includes:

- Grinding the Beans: The roasted beans are ground to a specific consistency to ensure uniform extraction.

- Brewing the Coffee: The ground coffee is brewed using a standardized method to highlight the beans' characteristics.

- Tasting and Scoring: Our team of experienced cuppers evaluates the coffee based on various attributes such as aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. Each sample is scored to determine its overall quality.

  1. Making the Final Selection

Based on the cupping results, we make our final selection of green coffee beans. The highest-scoring samples are chosen for further evaluation and potential purchase. This step ensures that we only select the best beans for our reserve coffee.

Factors Considered in Sample Roasting Coffee

When evaluating green coffee beans through sample roasting, several factors are taken into account:

Origin and Terroir

The origin of the coffee beans plays a significant role in their flavor profile. Factors such as altitude, climate, soil composition, and processing methods influence the beans' characteristics. By understanding the terroir, we can predict the potential flavors and quality of the beans. 

Bean Density

Bean density affects the roasting process and the final flavor of the coffee. Denser beans require more energy to roast evenly, while less dense beans may roast faster. We carefully assess the density of the beans to adjust our roasting parameters accordingly.

Moisture Content

Moisture content is another crucial factor in sample roasting coffee. Beans with high moisture content can affect the roasting process and result in uneven development. We measure the moisture content of each sample to ensure optimal roasting conditions.

Processing Methods

Different processing methods, such as washed, natural, or honey, impact the flavor profile of the coffee beans. We evaluate how each processing method influences the beans' characteristics and consider this information when making our selection.

The Role of the Master Coffee Roaster

Our Master Coffee Roaster plays a vital role in the sample roasting process. With years of experience and a refined palate, the roaster has the expertise to identify the potential of each sample. The roaster's skill in adjusting roasting parameters and evaluating the cupping results ensures that we select the best green coffee beans for our reserve coffee.

Ensuring Consistency and Quality

Consistency and quality are paramount in our coffee selection process. By sample roasting coffee, we can maintain a high level of consistency in our offerings. Each batch of green coffee beans undergoes rigorous evaluation to ensure it meets our standards. This attention to detail guarantees that our customers receive a consistently excellent cup of coffee every time.


Sample roasting coffee is a meticulous and essential process in selecting the best green coffee beans for our reserve coffee. By building strong relationships with trusted green coffee brokers and employing skilled Master Coffee Roasters, we ensure that only the highest quality beans make it into our offerings. The factors considered in the sample roasting process, such as origin, bean density, moisture content, and processing methods, all contribute to the final selection. Through this detailed evaluation, we can provide our customers with exceptional coffee that meets our rigorous standards.

By understanding and appreciating the complexities of sample roasting coffee, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into every cup of our reserve coffee. So next time you enjoy a cup of our coffee, remember the careful selection process that ensures its exceptional quality and flavor.

Watch Carlos Garcia, our Apprentice Coffee Roaster, as he carefully sample roasts different green coffee beans. We think this is very cool video and wanted to share it with you. Welcome to just a few minutes of our day and thank you for drinking our delicious Weaver's Coffee.

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