November 20, 2021 3 min read

What is the Best Coffee?

There is coffee that can change your day, and then there is coffee that can change your life. According to the Specialty Coffee Association, more than 400 million cups of coffee are consumed every day in the United States, probably even more now that people have had to stay at home and work. Once coffee drinkers began to prepare their coffee at home, they realized they were saving a lot of money by not going out to a coffee shop and they were interested in finding the best coffee to buy online and prepare at home. Therefore, the number of Google searches increased for “best coffee,” “coffee that is good for you and good for the environment, “fair-trade coffee.”

Individuals spending time alone and families all stuck in the same house together began to completely rethink the way they live, shop, and work. The pandemic brought us new desires. The resignation of 4.4 million workers demonstrates that many people have a new mindset. People are sitting down and thinking, what do I really want in life? How am I going to change my life to make myself happier and, hopefully, the world a better place as well?


Coffee Latte in white mug

 Latte Art

Photo Credit: Shakya Swodesh

The world is in conversation about the global effects of climate change. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is giving money to organizations that support smallholder farmers. The reality is that smallholder farmers produce 60% of the world’s coffee, and climate change will greatly affect coffee production in the coming years. Enveritas, an organization whose mission is to help all coffee farmers participate in a globally sustainable coffee industry, estimates that there are 12.5 million smallholder coffee farmers.

Presently, there are global supply chain issues, increases in US import prices, and therefore, the cost of petroleum and food continues to surge for consumers. So, the re-centering of our work–life balance is tied to our new thoughts about the purchases we are making, because we want to show how we care about our health and about the earth. How will our purchases affect the global balance? What should we do with our time and money each day? Are we spending our money buying things from thoughtful companies that are actively focused on changing both the world and their community?


Stacked Sacks of Green Coffee Bags and a forklift

 Wild Card Roasters Roastery

Weaver's Coffee Green Coffee Sacks

Photo Credit: Renee Brown

Coffee is a commodity that can change the world one cup at a time. Thousands of coffees bear the Fair Trade Certified™ seal, which helps to improve millions of lives and protect the land and waterways in 62 countries and counting. Purchases have resulted in $846 million being given to farmers and workers since 1999. Weaver’s Coffee & Tea purchases fair-trade coffees and has donated to three community organizations from the sale of three different coffees for nearly a decade, Astral Blend Coffee, Hackers Delight Coffee, and Pride Blend Coffee. This is a company with an authentic coffee roaster, John Weaver, who for many years apprenticed under Alfred Peet, the founder of Peet’s Coffee. Weaver is well known in the coffee industry as a magician, and has 43 years of experience in roasting coffee. He hand-roasts to perfection coffees grown along the equatorial belt. Bringing a coffee’s natural flavor to fruition is an art form, so larger coffee companies often disguise their use of cheaper coffees with additive flavors and slick marketing campaigns. However, Weaver’s Coffee & Tea is an authentic coffee company that never uses flavorings in the roasting process. The company’s co-founder is a woman, Renee Brown, who runs the business and skillfully manages her team to create the world’s best coffee. There is quality, consistency, and kindness in everything they do. They are two very different people who are truly authentic coffee entrepreneurs; one is a master coffee roaster with over four decades of experience, hand-roasting the world’s best coffee, and the other is a female coffee mogul with strategic capabilities and the commanding ease of an admiral.


 Weaver's Coffee Tasting

Photo Credit: Renee Brown

When as individuals we question how we can change the world at the global and local levels, for an answer it’s best to look to businesses that have been doing it since their inception, businesses that care about the global farmer as well as their local community organizations. When you search for coffee near me, spend wisely, buy the best fair-trade coffees, and tell your family and friends about real coffee from real companies. Because you can change the world one cup of coffee at a time. You just need to go out there and do it.


Coffee Near Me

We Support Fair Trade Coffee Producers