March 07, 2018 5 min read

What to Order in Coffee Shops Around the World

Here is what to order in coffee shops in 18 different countries around the world

Australia and New Zealand—What to order in coffee shop: "Flat White"

This Down Under phenomenon has become so intertwined with coffee shop culture that it now graces the menu of many international coffee shops. However, what exactly is this not-quite-a-cappuccino, not-quite-a-latte beverage? The flat white entails the following: steamed milk folded into a double shot of espresso and capped off with a thin, velvety, barely-can-tell-it's-a-layer of micro-foam.

Austria—What to order in coffee shop: "Einspänner"

If you find yourself sitting in a gilded Viennese coffee shop, there are numerous coffees to wash down that slice of must-do Sacher torte. One of the most popular, no matter the time of day, is the Wiener Melange. Served in a large cup, it pairs a shot of espresso with steamed milk and a light blanket of foam. The hot-and-cold Einspänner is a fitting liquid alternative to dessert. Named for the one-horse carriage that glided through the streets of 19th-century Vienna, this double espresso is stretched with water, topped with whipped cream, and elegantly sipped from a glass with a handle.

Brazil—What to order in coffee shop: "Cafezinho" 

Brazil's single-origin beans are known for eliciting big flavor: Think full-bodied brews with sweet, chocolate notes. In other words, a little goes a long way—which is why you'll notice locals holding tiny cups filled with an intense but sweet shot of coffee. This is the cafezinho, which translates to "little coffee", and its common practice for friends and colleagues to gather in a coffee shop for a late-afternoon chat over a round of them. Try one with a brigadeiro, Brazil's famous chocolate truffle-like confection.

Cuba—What to order in coffee shop: "Cafe Cubano"

In addition to rum and cigars, coffee is a vital part of life in this corner of the Caribbean, as well as in the boisterous hangouts of Miami's Little Havana. The Café Cubano, a sweet riff on the classic espresso, and a direct effect of the country importing Italian machines, is a dark roast spiked with sugar as it brews. When this potent espumita-topped shot flaunts sugar, it's a cafecito; with milk, a cortadito. The best place to relish one of these coffees, is at the lively counter of a no-frills coffee shop where springing for the socially inspired colada, a large vessel of espresso shots accompanied by small cups, encourages making new friends. 

France—What to order in coffee shop: "Café Crème"

Ordering an oversized bowl of café au lait and plunking your croissant into that smooth union of filtered coffee and milk is a dead giveaway that you're an American living out your French fantasies in Paris. So what to order if you don't want your coffee order to scream tourist? The café crème. This go-to espresso-based drink has a large proportion of steamed milk that will also sate fans of the cappuccino, which is rarely ordered in Paris. Purists who revel in black coffee should order the Café Allongé. Reminiscent of drip coffee, it's in limbo between espresso and Americano territory.

Greece—What to order in a coffee shop: "Frappé"

The frosty frappé is a staple of Greece's vibrant coffee shop scene, particularly in the summer when it appears on countless alfresco tables. A refreshing but powerful mix of instant coffee, a Nescafé rep created it by accident in 1957 at the Thessaloniki International Fair—water, up to four teaspoons of sugar, and often, but not always, clouds of evaporated milk, it should be sucked up through a straw slowly to avoid otherwise inevitable jitters. For those coffee snobs who scowl at the thought of just-add-water coffee, there is the freddo espresso(espresso served over ice) to consider.

India—What to order in coffee shop: "Kaapi"

Cups of aromatic Masala chai aren't the only warm, caffeinated beverage you'll encounter in India, especially in the southern part of the country. Known as kaapi, a strong blend of frothed milk and finely ground coffee powder, it is ritualistically brewed in a metal filter and dramatically poured back and forth between a stainless steel tumbler and lipped saucer known as the dabarah. This is what you want alongside a breakfast of chutney-laden dosa and idli.

Ireland—What to order in coffee shop: "Irish Coffee"

An integral part of Ireland's imbibing history, Irish coffee marries hot coffee with Irish whiskey, brown sugar, and whipped heavy cream. The chef purportedly dreamed up the recipe for Irish Coffeein the 1940s at the Shannon Airport as a way of appeasing stranded passengers, it's the country's most distinctive elixir—whether for an afternoon pick-me-up in the pub or a soothing nightcap by the fireplace.

Italy—What to order in coffee shop: "Espresso"

In Italy, coffee is part of the daily routine, but ordering it can get a bit tricky. For starters, know that if you ask for a coffee, espresso is the default setting. Another tip: Italians believe that milky coffee beverages, when consumed after 11 a.m., do a number on the digestive system. You can, of course, still order a latte or cappuccino in the afternoon, but if you want to abide by the philosophy of "When in Rome," consider a straightforward espresso. You'll drink it standing up at the bar of a coffee shop, likely in the company of a cornetto, the sweeter, crescent-shaped cousin of the croissant typically stuffed with custard, marmalade, or Nutella.

Spain—What to order in coffee shop: Cafe Bonbon aka Cortado Condensada

Throughout Spain, the café con leche, the scalding, equal-parts-milk-and-espresso hybrid, will make regular appearances. But don't overlook the less well-known café bonbon, which traces its roots to Valencia. Sometimes called cortado condensada, it's simply a 1:1 ratio of espresso and sweetened condensed milk.

Sweden and Finland—What to order in coffee shop: Kaffee and Kanelbulle

In Sweden, it's less about what you order in Scandinavia's minimalist coffee shops than when. Partaking in fika, mid-morning and late-afternoon breaks either taken in solo comfort or with pals, are customary routines in the day of Swedes and Finns. Evolving from the tradition of post-church chats, they are a welcome way to foster community in a world increasingly devoid of human interaction. Just as important as the coffee and conversation are the mandatory pastries, including twisted cardamom buns called kardemummabullar, and kanelbulle, the iconic, icing-slathered cinnamon rolls.

Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina—What to order in coffee shop: Turkish Coffee

Making Turkish coffee is a ceremonious activity: Finely ground coffee goes into the cezve, a long-necked copper or brass pot with a slender handle; water and sugar are stirred in before boiling (sometimes a number of times in succession); and powder settles to the bottom of the pot in a thick pool of sludge before it's poured into small cups and arranged on ornate trays—hopefully with perfumed cubes of powdery Turkish Delight to boot. The setup resembles the one favored in Bosnia and Herzegovina; both renditions are bitter and thick as mud, yet one of the small differences between them is that sugar isn't added to Bosnian coffee until after its brewed.

Vietnam and Malaysia—What to order in coffee shop: Cà Phê đá or Iced Coffee

Amid the sultry heat of Vietnam, the ubiquitous, soothing cà phê đá (pronounced cafe da), comes to the rescue with a jolt of cooling richness. Indigenous to Ho Chi Minh City, this mélange of coffee and hot water swirled into sweetened, condensed milk is typically drunk from a tall ice-filled glass. Like it hot? In Malaysia there is the thick kopi susu panas—one part condensed milk, the other ground and brewed coffee—to look forward to.

Learn how to make Vietnamese Coffee

Coffee Recipes from Around the World