November 29, 2018 2 min read

How to Store Coffee for Maximum Freshness

Keep coffee beans airtight and cool

    • Coffee beans' greatest enemies are air, moisture, heat, and light.
  • To preserve your coffee beans' fresh roasted flavor as long as possible, store them in an opaque, air-tight container at room temperature.
  • Avoid clear canisters, which allow light to compromise the taste of your coffee.
  • Keep your coffee beans in a dark and cool location, such as a pantry or cabinet away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Buy the right amount

    • Coffee begins to lose freshness almost immediately after roasting.
  • Exposure to air is bad for coffee beans, so it's best to buy only as much coffee as you can use within a month of roasting.
  • If you prefer to keep your coffee beans in an accessible container, consider dividing your supply into smaller portions and storing the unused portion in an airtight container.
  • This is especially important for pre-ground coffee, which has more surface area and therefore loses freshness faster.

Freezing your coffee beans?

  • Some coffee experts recommend freezing coffee beans for long-term storage.
  • To do this, store the beans in an airtight container in the freezer.
  • When you're ready to use the coffee, remove the container from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature for a few hours before grinding.
  • Be sure to use all of the coffee within a few weeks of thawing, as it will start to lose freshness again.

Coffee's freshness over time

  • Ground coffee is best when consumed within one to two weeks of grinding.
  • Whole beans are best within one month of roasting.

What to avoid in coffee storage

  • Coffee does best in a dry, airtight environment.
  • Avoid storing coffee in humid areas, such as the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Also avoid storing coffee in direct sunlight or near heat sources.

Coffee storage locations

  • Cool, dark, dry places (such as pantries and cabinets) are best for coffee storage.
  • Fridges and freezers should be avoided, as they are too humid and can cause the coffee to lose its flavor.
  • Countertops can be used for coffee storage if the coffee is kept in an opaque, airtight container and away from direct sunlight.

Coffee container types

  • Glass, ceramic, or non-reactive metal containers with airtight gaskets are ideal for storing coffee.
  • Coffee can be stored in clear glass canisters or clear plastic ware if they are kept in a cool, dark place.
  • For countertop storage, opaque, airtight containers are best.

Ground coffee vs. whole beans

  • Ground coffee has more surface area than whole bean coffee, so it will lose freshness faster.
  • If you have the time and equipment, it's ideal to grind your own coffee beans each morning.
  • If you're not ready to do that, you can still have delicious fresh coffee if you use whole beans within a month of roasting and ground beans within two weeks of grinding.


By following these simple tips, you can store your coffee properly and enjoy fresh, flavorful coffee for longer.